A Research Initiative to Identify Heritage-Sensitive Intellectual Property and Marketing Strategies

 Promoting and Protecting Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Market: The Role of Heritage-Sensitive Marketing and Intellectual Property Strategies

2021 World Forum for Intangible Cultural Heritage — “Rediscovering Intangible Cultural Heritage in The Era of Convergence and Creativity” — Day 3

Timestamp 48:40 to 1:06:40

The Applicability of HIPAMS in the African Context

Africa Dialogue Series 2021

Discussion with African Academics and Experts on “Harnessing Culture and Heritage for Economic Transformation”

Time Stamp 0:51 to 9:28 — 29:45 to 35:38

 High-level Public Policy Debates

Theme: Cultural identity and Ownership: Reshaping Mindsets

Time Stamp 58:17 to 1:06.37

 The Importance of HIPAMS for Communities

Global Digital Encounter 13: Intangible Cultural Heritage and IP, 18 June 2021

Time Stamp 32:30 to 38:34